Monday 18 July 2011

Kindle Covers

My whole family are into Kindles at the minute, with both parental units and sister receiving them as gifts. Now the Kindle for all its sleek and lightweight beauty is not very glamorous and most definitely not girlie and well I am just not comfortable with that - hence - pimp my mums Kindle became the challenge!
so it went from this....
to this.....

Much better I feel.
With a lovely Gelaskin and salmon pink cover from Amazon it is suitably girlie!

My sister made her own from an old scarf and I must say I was suitably impressed. I have also asked for the offcuts from said scarf and I think they could be used for other craft based fun.

I have requested she adds a giant button of some sort - wooden I hope :)

The Giant Graze Box

I discovered Graze a few years ago, little snack boxes that pop through your door and are filled with yummy, healthy snacks.
So what better gift for a fellow Graze lover than a giant graze box!
Just a big box I found discarded at work, a bit of felt-tip tom-foolery and I had a pretty convincing Graze Box (this one won't fit through the letter box)
I then filled it with all by friends favourite treats, mostly Marmite flavoured items.

Tapas Party

I had a slightly delayed birthday party on Saturday, it rained ALL DAY! so my idea of an outdoor party including my new tepee was scuppered, however my housemate and I fashioned a hasty indoor tent....
and hung some bunting....

a million lanterns later and a lot of yummy food supplied by the guests and we weren't so bothered by the rain anymore!